How do expenses work at Virtalent?

Though we encourage clients to manage any costs or bills themselves, we do offer the facility for Virtalent VAs to log expenses to a client account.

If you need to log an expense (e.g. travel costs), always first check you have obtained written permission from your client that they are happy for you to do this. It is also vital to manage the client's expectation on costs. We don't want them to be surprised by this!

If frequent expenses are likely to be incurred, we recommend arranging a prepaid debit card that your client can "top up" for you to use. Good examples of this are:

Logging An Expense

As well as the video above, there is also guidance provided on page 7 of the PDF guide to using the portal.

To log an expense:

  • Name the expense (e.g. train ticket to Brighton)
  • Make a note of any extra relevant information in the description box (e.g. dates of travel, reason for trip)
  • Choose the date the expense was incurred (i.e. the date on the receipt)
  • Enter the total amount you paid out
  • Upload your receipt (you cannot claim an expense without this)
  • Check and submit the expense

This will add the expense to the client's account.

It will then appear on your next invoice to Virtalent, so you will be automatically repaid.

Last updated on 25th May 2022

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