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How does client billing at Virtalent work?

Remember, clients are billed on a monthly subscription, based on the date they created their account with us.

What are Virtalent's contact details?

You can find our address in your Virtalent email signature, dial 0330 120 0477 or email [email protected].

How will I hear about new client opportunities?

New client briefs will always be posted into the #Opportunities channel on Slack.

How do I use the Task Portal?

The best place to head to is the e-book inside your Welcome folder.

Can I share my CV with my client?

There's no need! Your client already has access to your Virtalent profile, inside the Task Portal. Please speak to Virtalent if they need more information than the profile contains.

Do you have any recommendations for sending greetings cards and gifts?

Click on the FAQ to see our current list of recommendations - everything from handwritten cards to chocolates!

Can I meet my client in-person?

It depends. We are a remote-first service, but if you are both happy, it can be possible to arrange an in-person meeting on occasion.

meeting a client meetings
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Can I use extra hours, above my client's monthly plan? How does this work?

If you go over the client's available 'remaining balance', the portal will automatically top-up their account with extra hours for you to use. It's expected!

What tools should I use to communicate with my client?

There are no set rules here - try to use what the client already prefers to use, but otherwise make a suggestion!

How do I report IT issues? [Portal, email, etc.]

Your Client Success Manager is on hand to support you with any IT issues, including with the portal, so please contact your CSM in the first instance.

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