How do I arrange holiday cover?

Going on holiday? There are a few short steps we'd ask you to follow, to ensure your client's account isn't disrupted.

  1. It's important you let us know of your holiday plans as soon as they have been arranged and ask that you give us as much notice as you possibly can.

  2. Please discuss the dates with your client and then let your Client Success Manager know, well ahead of time. It's important that they, and we, have as much notice as possible, so we have time to make any necessary arrangements. Please do not leave this to a few days before you go away!

  3. You should always offer to organise holiday cover for a client, if you plan to take a holiday. This should be your client's choice to make, not something to decide for them. Please do not presume they will be OK without your support or leave a client feeling that they can't ask for cover to be put in place.

  4. We will ask you to prepare a short handover document to support this process, containing any important information another team member will need to know.

  5. Your CSM will select a suitable team member to provide the cover and ensure your client is happy with this choice.

  6. We'll then share the handover document and arrange for you to have a quick chat with this person, so you can discuss the kind of support needed directly and cover off any questions.

Handovers are not billed to the client's account, however you will be reimbursed by us for your time spent on organising this for them - your CSM will explain how to bill Virtalent for this time.

Last updated on 18th July 2024

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