What tools should I use to communicate with my client?

You should communicate with each client, however works best for them (and you!).

There is no need to only use your Virtalent email account, if this doesn't work well for the client - in fact, most clients would prefer to set up a company email address for you to use in any case

The only 'rule' we have here is that you must never use a personal email account (or an email account for your own VA business) to communicate with a client - this risks breaching your insurance cover and your legally-binding contract with Virtalent, as we cannot guarantee that data is stored in your own email account is done so securely, and abides by GDPR guidelines.

Always communicate (and create user accounts for any software you use with the client) with your Virtalent email address or an email address provided to you.

Points To Consider

There are a lot of options out there! So, before picking a particular software platform to use, try to first think:

  • What tools does this client already use? - It's usually better to use tools that your client is already familiar with and has adopted, so long as they work well for them already.

  • What communication style do they have? - Some clients prefer short phone calls, whereas some prefer to write everything out in an SMS or email. Some prefer to fire out a WhatsApp voice note whilst they are walking the dog!

  • How do they like to delegate? - Again, are you sharing a to-do list in TickTick or other to-do list software, or is everything done in a set weekly meeting? The tool you choose to communicate should align nicely with this.

Our Recommendations


Zoom is now widely-regarded as the 'go-to' video conferencing tool for smaller businesses and teams. Many remote businesses are now using Zoom for all their audio-only calls too!

Jitsu (free, open-source)

Jitsu is a a free (open-source) Zoom alternative.


One of the most established platforms, and a name most people will already recognise. Skype is free and easy to use. Meetings are limited to 50 attendees.

Microsoft Teams

MS Teams is geared more towards larger businesses (hence "Teams"), so you can accomodate up to 250 people in a meeting. It's asy to share files, screens and chat during meetings. It's also free and linked to Skype!

Google Hangouts

If your client also uses Gmail or G Suite, like we do at Virtalent, you can hop on a quick phone or video call or message each other (like Slack) within your Gmail inbox too. Take a look here.


We love using Slack internally to send quick notes. You can integrate G Drive and other software, so sharing files becomes very easy too. You can also use it for audio calls!


We also love CloudApp. CloudApp is free - it's a great way to share screenshots or record your screen (video or GIF), then annotate what you need to show!


If you are switching between several different inboxes and email addresses for clients, take a look at Shift. You can see everything in one place, and choose which account you want to reply from. It certainly makes the juggling a little bit easier!

The Phone!

Often a subject that would take a number emails to be resolved could be fixed with a quick phone call. It's often much more efficient than waiting for a reply!

Last updated on 18th March 2021

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