How will I hear about new client opportunities?

For more detailed guidance, take a look at the e-book - Securing Your First Client.

Opportunities Channel

As a growing, it can be quite difficult to keep on top of everyone’s individual (and naturally ever-changing) availability - both the hours you would like to work at Virtalent each month and those already taken up by clients. It can also be tricky to know exactly who is the very best person in the team to support each new client, with each of their very specific needs - this could be anything from an interest in yoga, to advanced skills in Excel, to years of experience doing something very specific in WordPress. There are endless possibilities!

Therefore, we have created a Slack channel - #opportunities - where we post briefs for any new clients looking to be matched with a Virtalent VA.

This brief will detail any key information you need to know, so you can decide whether the opportunity is for you or not.

Submitting Your Interest

To put yourself forward for consideration, you’ll need to fill in a short form. It takes just a few minutes. You’ll be asked to:

  • Provide your name and Virtalent email address (this is used by our internal system).

  • The “Opportunity ID number” which will appear in the brief.

  • Most importantly, give us the headlines on why you feel YOU are the very best choice for that client, based on who and what they are looking for. This doesn’t need to be more than a list of bullet points - just point us in the right direction!

We’ll leave the opportunity open until we feel a healthy number of people in the team have applied (we expect this to be 2-4 people). We expect to be able to leave it open until the next working day, but this will depend on how much interest is in each individual brief.

This is not “first come, first serve”. We would ask that you please submit your interest in a reasonable time frame so we can, in turn, make our recommendation to the client in a timely manner. But no priority is given to whoever happens to apply first.

As you know, this is not how we do things at Virtalent.

Our Client Engagement Manager will then make a decision on who - for that particular opportunity - is going to be put forward. We’ll let you know if you have been put forward, or if we would prefer to keep you available for another client. Once a decision has been made, we’ll close the opportunity and so delete it from the Slack channel.

We will consider everything from your skills and experience, your other clients at Virtalent, your availability, your personal interests, your personality, and so much more. If you are not selected, this is purely because someone else simply happens to be a better “match” for that particular client and the particular role they are looking for you to fill. Please do not take this personally - there will be many, many other opportunities, and, ultimately, this process will serve both you and any new clients better going forward.

If you are looking to work with a new client but aren’t already in the channel, please join it.

Simply click the (+) icon next to Channels -> Browse channels -> #opportunities.

If you ever decide you are ‘at capacity’, please leave the channel so you don’t feel pestered by the notifications. You can rejoin again any time!

Last updated on 18th October 2023

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