What are Virtalent's contact details?

Virtalent's registered address is Virtalent Ltd, Front Suite - 1st Floor, Charles House, 148-149 Great Charles Street, Birmingham, B3 3HT.

This address can also be used for your invoices, for example.

Our main phone number is 0330 120 0477.

This phone number is attended to by a Virtual Receptionist, who will try to pass through the call to the relevant team member if they are available. If they aren't available, they'll take a message and pass it on - we'll then call you or the client back ASAP.

Your client will have the email address of their Client Success Manager.

Both you and the client can also email [email protected].

Internally, if you are the one looking to get in touch, you can usually get a quick reply from Slack!

Last updated on 17th March 2021

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