Can I support my client with tasks across their different businesses?

You can support your client with any tasks they delegate to you, as long as they are tasks that we can help with as a service provider and tasks which are reasonable, legal and that you feel comfortable and suitably skilled to carry out.

Many clients have multiple businesses, but they won't necessarily feel the need to have an account for each individual business.

Ultimately, it is for the client to let you know if they require any adjustments when you work across their different businesses.

However, your client may appreciate your proactivity in asking them if they would like you to differentiate how to log tasks when you track your time, such as using a precursor at the start of the task description to identify each business.

An example of what this could look like is below: "ABC Ltd - Preparing GDoc of research for X" "ABC Ltd - Preparing invoices" "XYZ Ltd - Responding to customer emails" "XYZ Ltd - Responding to comments on LinkedIn company page"

Your client would then be able to export your timesheets from the Portal each month and sort the data alphabetically in order to calculate how much time was logged per company.

Last updated on 22nd July 2024

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